Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rujukan Internet untuk Kerja Projek Add Math 2012 soalan 1

Anda boleh dapatkan maklumat di

Sebahagian petikan dari web tersebut
"How to Find Your Pulse
  • You can find your radial pulse by touching your wrist, with the palm up, on your thumb side. The same artery extends to the inside of your elbow on the pinkie side of your supinated hand above the elbow. This pulse is called the brachial pulse and is always the sight of blood pressure readings. When a doctor takes his stethoscope and puts the diaphragm over your heart, she is listening to your apical pulse.

Current Healthy Pulse Standards

  • For adults, the current standard for a normal pulse is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Your pulse rate will be faster when you exercise, are under stress or have a fever. When you're resting, your pulse rate will be slower.
    Babies have a pulse range of 120 to 160 beats per minute.
    Toddlers' pulse rates drop to 90 to 140 beats per minute.
    Preschoolers and kindergartners drop even more, 80 to 110 beats per minute.
    Elementary and middle school children have pulses that range from 75 to 100 beats per minute.
    Teenagers' pulses equalize with the adult range of pulse.
    Women have a pulse rate five to 10 beats higher than men.

Read more: Normal Human Pulse Rate |    "

The maximum pulse rate :
The most accepted formula is 220 - age. It's just not accurate. There is a lot of variation in the population.

The real maximum pulse rate :
1. Count the pulses you feel for 10 seconds.
2. Multiply the number of pulses by six to get your target heart rate.
3. Compare your target heart rate with your predicted maximum pulse rate. Your target heart rate should be 60 to 80 percent of your predicted maximum pulse rate to ensure you are exercising in a healthy and safe manner. If your heart rate is higher than 60 to 80 percent of your maximum pulse rate, lower the intensity of your workout. If your heart rate is lower than 60 to 80 percent of your maximum pulse rate, consider increasing the intensity of your workout, unless you have a medical condition.

Kerja Projek Matematik Tambahan

Berikut contoh idea dr saya....

Isi Kandungan :
Sila rujuk mana-mana buku teks atau buku ilmiah lain dari aspek susun atur isi kandungan

Sampaikan fokus kajian iaitu Denyutan Nadi( sila rujuk internet - Pulse Rate) dengan matlamat kajian melalui kaedah statistik dari sukatan Matematik Tambahan. Nyatakan juga hasil kajian yang mungkin diperolehi dengan hujah yang sesuai.

1. Jadual maklumat Impulse Rate (dapatkan dari buku SEGAK - PJ sekolah masing-masing)
a) kirakan mean, mode dan median dengan kaedah terus- ungrouped data
     bandingkan dengan ayat pernyataan hasil yang diperolehi dengan kadar denyutan nadi piawai. ( biasanya    
     60   - 100 denyutan seminit.)
b) kira sekali lagi untuk nadi selepas menjalani aktiviti. Buat kesimpulan dari bandingan dengan a)

c) bina jadual kekerapan dengan 7 hingga 8 kelas sahaja.
    i) bina 3 graf dari data terkumpul seperti frequency polygon, histogram, ogive dan bar chart.
   ii) cari mean , mode dan median melalui kaaedah yang pelbagai seperti rumus (ada 2 jenis rumus),   
        microsoft Excel, graf dan sebagainya.
 d) buat perbandingan dengan ayat matematik yang jelas dari maklumat a) dan b) diatas.